Friday, August 2, 2013

Alive Again

Going on a mission, in one sense, is a lot like dying. You die from the world, you die from TV, you die from family, you die from everyone and everything that you once knew. BUT you get a new life, a new birth, you become this person that never turns on electronics to distract herself, you work 24/7 and have a schedule 24/7 and become this person who learns to truly depend on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ to help heal the hurt because you have NOTHING else to take it away. It's there 24/7, just like the work that calls your every attention. It's hard, it's long, it's frustrating, it's weird and it's rewarding.

And then one day you leave that world and go home. And that's like dying all over again. The difference is that you fall flat on your face because this new world is hard and mean and cold and empty. But it's your old world. Your old you. An old shell that you have to try and fit the new you into. Needless to say it's been hard.

But then an interesting thing happened. I started talking to this boy...

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