Wednesday, March 2, 2011

It happened

I did it. It happened. I went and had my interview. I want to say "it's done" but that is so far from the truth it is laughable. I might as well name this blog "it's starting" and I very well might so please do pay attention to the title.

I had my interview. And I laid everything on him. I mean everything....I really don't know what I was thinking. Probably something along the lines of "This guy can excommunicate me...right now." Or "I am so not worthy to be here right now." Or maybe, "I so have to poop." Which, I didn't, but you know...sometimes when you're really nervous...your body reacts in really odd ways. But he didn't excommunicate me or send me to the rest room, he was actually extremely nice. We talked, and talked, and he asked me some questions and I answered them as honestly and efficiently as I could.*

*Immediate Side note-Does anyone ever get in front of your Bishop or Stake President and want to talk their ear off? They could ask the most mundane simple Yes or No question and suddenly they also need to hear how you came to this decision and how your mom yelled at you one time and how you almost broke your leg at girls camp and how you got your job and grandma! don't forget about grandma! and it all pertains to why I sustain President Monson just give me a second I'm getting there. By the third question I finally just forced my mouth closed after the initial, premature, excited "...Yes!..." I'm sure I looked crazy, another reason I'm wondering why he said I was good to go.

Anyway, we are interviewing and I am acting crazy (at this point my excitement and my nervousness cancelled each other out and I was simply a numb twitching mass of flesh) and I'm trying to show my eagerness and my spirituality in each of these Yess's but I doubt it's coming through and he's kind of just staring at me (he has the BEST poker face) and slowly I'm building myself up for a "No.". I'm sure it will be kind, but it will still be a "No.". And just as I'm starting to wonder how much longer he can drag this on for he looks at me says

"When will you be leaving?" And I kind of take a second to think this through (after my vomit of the mouth I was actually thinking before speaking) and I tell him.

"My birthday sir, July 1st." And he nods.

"Four months? Good." And I kind of let that sink in. Good? Why is that good? Of course I don't say these things because part of me agrees with that. Yeah I need that time. I need to learn this entire freaking religion all over again. I need to shop. I need to save up that money. I need to get that other suitcase. I need to see Mumford & Sons. I need to figure out how I am going to say goodbye to my family. I may need even more time than that. But I just remain quietly twitching. He smiles a little.

"You're going to need that time. You need to prepare." And then he stands. "Sister Hanshew I think you are worthy and ready to go on a mission. I'm going to submit your paperwork to Salt Lake."

And I just remain sitting.

I don't want to act too surprised because...well because that just looks bad, but I was surprised. I was ready for a very kind but very firm "You aren't ready.". So I sat there. And he kind of stared at me. And then he started inching around his desk slowly, waiting for me to defrost a little. It wasn't until he was behind my chair that I noticed he was heading to the door. So I stood, probably too quickly, and thanked him, and thanked him again, and then bolted out of the room. I hit the hallway and almost repeated that I could go, just so I had witnesses. "You're secretary heard! You can't take it back!" But I didn't.

Now It was my turn to inch down the hallway. Slowly, scared that if I stayed around him too long my vomit mouth would return and I would say something and he would look at me funny and suddenly rethink if I was ready. Maybe even call me back into his office. But he was just so nice, he either overlooked my absolute insanity or didn't notice because as I was trying to escape he was telling me about the program and when my papers would go in and if I had the missionary handbook and how he knew my family and how he would give me a call after the paperwork was submitted and introduced me to his secretary (my witness) and I smile and smile some more and try to say as little as possible. Until he finally noticed I was almost in the main lobby and about to explode in contained freak outs. He smiled again and said "I sit at my computer and go through those on Fridays." And I smile and thank him again and head to my car, but can't get away cause now I see people I know and I'm still numb and freaking out but now I'm just excited too and I explode in a much too happy "Hi." And she says "Well Hi! What exciting things are happening in your life?" And I'm like BAM sign, vomit of the mouth here we go again.

And so it begins. I really hope I get this mouth thing under control before I enter the MTC, or give my farewell talk for that matter...

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